Elmwood United
Reformed Church
Tuesday Club
As the name implies, the Club meets on Tuesday’s, during school term. The meetings are open to all and generally alterative.
Activities include guest speakers covering many diverse topics, some of which are appropriate to the time of year, and some given by members themselves. There are also lunches and outings to different places.
Recent talks have covered The Life of Danny Kay and Life in the 1950’s.
A small charge, only payable when you attend.
If you would like to join the group and make new friends, please contact us by calling below for more information.
Tel: 01922 440 228
Kingdom is one of two other fellowships who use our church building for their worship on Sundays. We have a close relationship with Kingdom Ministries who have worshipped at Elmwood since 2002. Their Pastor and one of their members lead worship at Elmwood at least twice a year.
Their Sunday service is from 1.00pm until 3.00pm and they have another meeting on Wednesday evening from 7.30pm until 9.00pm.
See their website here
Lunch Club
On Thursday once a month a busy band cook and serve a hot lunch for people who live in the Handsworth Wood area.
​Usually, there are between 20 people who join the Club for lunch to come and enjoy good company, food and hospitality. To ensure that people are properly catered for, please call in advance.
Diners normally arrive at Church around 12 noon with lunch served at 12.30pm.
The meal is a hot dinner and dessert plus tea and coffee. The Club makes a very reasonable charge per person for the cost of the meal.
Contact telephone: 01922 440 228